Working papers
Vitality in work: stories from ras beirut
Lives and livelihoods in turbulent times Working Paper Series (Vol. 3)
on the brink in ras beirut: an ethnography of livelihood struggles amid economic and political discord
Lives and Livelihoods in Turbulent Times Working Paper Series (Vol. 2)
Embodied experiences, troubled livelihoods: ethnographic observations from ras beirut
Lives and Livelihoods in Turbulent Times Working Paper Series (Vol.1)
we found reduced feelings of happiness and safety, along with heightened stress levels. Residents also showed a preference for outdoor recreation activities in the neighbourhood to deal with stress, depression, or trauma post-blast, presenting opportunities for local CBOs and NGOs implementing local interventions
Decentralised renewable energy: a pathway to prosperity for Lebanon?
This report reviews the current state of play on energy and prosperity in Lebanon. The focus is on opportunities for decentralised renewable energy (RE) to not only address Lebanon’s insufficient energy supply but to incite whole systems change in Lebanon to address the compounding challenges of mass displacement, changing climate and economic crises.
A pilot Citizens’ Assembly on eleCtriCity And energy JustiCe in HAmrA, lebAnon
The Citizens’ Assembly Pilot (CA) on energy justice and electricity was a conceptual and methodological experiment conducted over five sessions over three days in the neighbourhood of Hamra and Beirut in October and November 2020. The CA aimed at exploring meanings, dimensions, priorities of energy justice in a deliberative democratic setting.
Ambivalent Lines: Ethnographic Observation Of A Household Survey In Hamra, Beirut
This paper presents five ethnographic observations from the RELIEF Centre’s 2019 household survey on prosperity in the Hamra neighbourhood of Beirut. The ethnographer – Soheila Shourbaji – worked closely with the team of citizen social scientists who went from door to door and from building to building to carry out the survey. She actively observed the different elements that make up an interview, including the actions and reactions of the interviewers, respondents, and herself as a participant in the process.
Vulnerability and Public Services in the Lebanese Context of Mass Displacement
This working paper reviews the literature on infrastructural vulnerabilities in the Lebanese context of mass displacement to answer the following questions:
• What are the particular infrastructural vulnerabilities at stake in contemporary Lebanon? • Where are the intersections of vulnerabilities caused by displacement and those related to public services, for both migrants and hosts?• How is vulnerability conceptualised in the literature, and what role are public services and migration seen to play in it?
Data Audit: Requirements for Improving Measures and Outcome Indicators in Lebanon
This report provides an analysis of the social, economic and political data sources available in Lebanon and their quality, highlighting the challenges of accessing such sources and the risks associated with using them. We explore and examine the data that have been compiled by international organisations, local NGOs and the Government of Lebanon since the commencement of the Syrian crisis in 2011.
Other publications from our wider team
Unbundling Lebanon’s electricity sector
Marc Ayoub, Pamela Rizkallah, Christina Abi Haidar, 2021
Acts of Spatial Violation: The Politics of Space-Making inside the Palestinian Refugee Camp
Samar Maqusi, 2021
Assessing deeper levels of participation in nature-based solutions in urban landscapes – A literature review of real-world cases
Nikolett Puskas, Yaser Abunnasr, Salpy Naalbandian, 2021
A collaborative research manifesto! An early career response to uncertainties
Aneeza Pervez, Michel Wahome, Alison R. McKinley, Nidal Al Haj Sleiman, Phillip Harniess et al., 2023
Knowledge transfer in the era of climate emergency
Landscape Journal, Autumn 2021, page 16
Landscape Journal, Winter 2021, pages 16-18
Entrepreneurial systems of Syrian refugees as stimulators of host economy: the case of Ouzaii
Refugee Survey Quarterly, 2021
Beirut, the ground beneath our feet
Landscape Journal, Winter 2020, pages 18-20
Beirut balconies
Landscape Journal, Autumn 2020, pages 6-8
Urban recovery: Intersecting displacement with post-war reconstruction
Howayda Al-Harithy, 2021
Hosting Syrian refugees in Saida under protracted displacement: Unfolding spatial and social exclusion
Howayda Al-Harithy, Abir Eltayeb, Ali Khodr, International Journal of Islamic Architecture, 2021
The joke is on us: Irony and community in a Beirut scrapyard
Elizabeth Saleh, Adrien Zakar, Royal Anthropological Institute, 2018
Recycling Policies from the Bottom Up: Waste Work in Lebanon
Elizabeth Saleh, Arab Reform Initiative, 2021
Refugees as city-makers
Mona Fawaz, Ahmad Gharbieh, Mona Harb and Dounia Salamé, published by the Social Justice and the City Program at the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs, 2018